Discover six scenarios in which renters insurance helps you avoid disaster.
Many apartment communities require their residents to obtain renter’s insurance. This is for a good reason, as renters insurance can relieve many of the challenges associated with theft, injuries, and emergencies. Renters insurance can reimburse you after something happens to your belongings, including theft, fire, vandalism, water damage, and more. Your insurance can also help cover temporary living expenses or medical/legal fees. Renters insurance can do a whole lot more than you expect. Discover how your Beechtree Apartments renters insurance can help in the following scenarios.
Your Cell Phone or Laptop Are Stolen
It’s rare to leave your home without your cell phone or laptop in tow. Even if you are outside of your home, your renters insurance can help cover personal property theft. There is often a “Personal Property Coverage” part of your policy or supplements available that can cover the theft of your phone or laptop when traveling outside of the home.
Neighbors Flood Your Apartment
It’s rare, but if your upstairs neighbors leave a faucet running and water drips into your apartment, you can use renters insurance. If you return home to find that your belongings have been damaged by intrusive water, your insurance can pay you back for damage to your items through no fault of your own.
Your Visitor Is Injured
If you host a party in your apartment and your friend slips in your kitchen and twists their ankle, things can get complicated. If your friend or visitor decides to sue to cover their medical expenses, your renters insurance and personal liability coverage can pay the associated medical and legal bills.
Leaky Plumbing
If plumbing suddenly leaks, it can lead to extensive flooding in your apartment. While this likely won’t happen, holding renters insurance means you have a plan if it does. Your insurance can cover the costs of replacing damaged goods after a flood, so you don’t have to lose everything or spend your money on replacing the essentials.
Apartment Fires
Renters insurance has your back in the case of accidental apartment fires. If you have to vacate your home for a while, you will likely be covered for property damage, food loss, and temporary living expenses. Always make sure you read your plan carefully to know what types of incidents and damages are covered.
Additionally, if a neighbor starts a fire that spreads to your apartment, you can use your insurance to cover any damages and provide temporary living costs. This “loss of use” coverage may even cover the extra money you need for food or laundry.
You’re Worried Something Might Happen
If you are simply worried about the possibility of a stolen phone or laptop, a house fire, an injured guest, or apartment flooding, obtaining a renters insurance policy will help ease your mind. You can enjoy life in your Beechtree Apartments home when you know that your necessary insurance plan protects your personal belongings.
Let Us Welcome You Home to Your Fabulous New Apartment!
Here at Beechtree Apartments, we pride ourselves on providing you with luxurious living and affordable pricing. So when you choose one of our fabulous new apartments in Calvert County, you can see how modern living meets modern-day conveniences.
It’s easy to find us! Visit us at 200 Jenden Way Suite 101, Prince Frederick, Maryland 20678. Are you social? Feel free to follow us on Facebook and Instagram! You can also reach us by phone at 443-432-3557!